Just what I have in mind
Published on February 1, 2005 By smallgifts In Current Events
OK, so we are supposed to be on the "road to peace" now. Ha, wishful thinking guys!! There ain't no such animal in the Middle East. It may look like it, but it's not.
Look at Irak after the elections and you'll feel better for a while. And by the way, take off your hat to President Bush on that one. It will keep for some time. Not for long though. Democracy is something they will not tolerate. A king or an ayatollah would be more suitable.
Iran is trying to show its best smiling face and that one is even worse than the real one. Watch out for the hidden hand with the stone - or the bomb.
The Palestinians and the Israelis are shaking hands and smiling at each other. That one will hold less water than the other two. They'll be at each other throats in no time at all. They have been at it for so long they are afraid to cut the tradition.
When will it get better?
Your guess is as good as mine.

on Feb 01, 2005
The turnmoil in the middle east is world's responsibility.
But the world reacts little.
When Greedy Dubya said he'll take care things in middle east, his own way.
the world reacts a bit little more.
When Stupidest Prez fries up Iraq, he said he is putting democracy on.
The world reacts with words.
USA has weapons and world has words. That's way middle east has no lasting peace.

on Feb 01, 2005
You do make some pretty good points here, and you could be right about the people of the Middle East. However a couple of hundred years ago some colonists went against the conventional thought that commoners want a King. The thought was so conventional that the majority of the colonists were either against a bid for independence completely, or simply wanted no part in it.

I, for one, am glad that a very passionate minority saw beyond conventional wisdom and dared to make things happen. That independence took a war to secure, another war to defend, and years of harrassment by British sympathizers.

To me, if we are going to err, we err on the side of freedom where freedom is lacking... everytime.
on Feb 01, 2005
It will not get better, before it get's a whole lot worse.
Armageddon looms.