Just what I have in mind
smallgifts's Articles
February 9, 2005 by smallgifts
Why can't I be impressed by the latest chapter on this show? Does anybody really believe these two are on the road to peace? Everybody would be grateful if they did but somehow it just does not seem so. And Hamas says they are not giving up their armed struggle. All that is needed is another homicide-bomber and that's it. They'll be at each other throats again. And why is Mr. Abbas traveling to Iran? I don't really know why but I can already hear bullets flying again in that part of the world...
February 6, 2005 by smallgifts
Well, I asked what the Israeli-Palestinian conflict causes are and came out with some things that can be considered as replies. I'm taking everybody's answers with pincers and a grain of salt. The Palestinians want the Israelis "out of Palestine". OK, where or what exactly is Palestine? Where and when do you start counting? If it is the "occupied territories" - Judea and Samaria - that should mean that before 1967 there was no terror in the region since Israel did not occupy this piece of l...
February 2, 2005 by smallgifts
Have you heard the latest from Fidel? The US is going to nuke him!! C'mon, the guy is intelligent and has had the benefit of an education. With what is he going to be nuked? With something the size of a pinhead, otherwise goodbye Miami and see you Puerto Rico. By the way, speaking of Castro, isn't he the one that went up Sierra Maestra and led a revolution to oust Batista who was a tyrant and repressed the Cuban people? The ones who disented with him that is. Hmmm. The Pope has been taken to...
February 1, 2005 by smallgifts
OK, so we are supposed to be on the "road to peace" now. Ha, wishful thinking guys!! There ain't no such animal in the Middle East. It may look like it, but it's not. Look at Irak after the elections and you'll feel better for a while. And by the way, take off your hat to President Bush on that one. It will keep for some time. Not for long though. Democracy is something they will not tolerate. A king or an ayatollah would be more suitable. Iran is trying to show its best smiling face and ...