Just what I have in mind
Well, I asked what the Israeli-Palestinian conflict causes are and came out with some things that can be considered as replies. I'm taking everybody's answers with pincers and a grain of salt. The Palestinians want the Israelis "out of Palestine". OK, where or what exactly is Palestine? Where and when do you start counting? If it is the "occupied territories" - Judea and Samaria - that should mean that before 1967 there was no terror in the region since Israel did not occupy this piece of land. But there was terror. So maybe the Palestinians are counting on getting the 1967 territories first and then the rest? Can't steal twice and return once?
The Israelis say they have "come back home" - namely to the place where once they were kicked out from and with the UN blessings. OK, so that should be a Jewish state. It's not, most people there are not observant Jews. They lived 2000 or more years everywhere and if it was a question of security, other options were available. Uganda for example. I would have taken it. It's not in the middle of the desert, plenty of water, diamonds, gold, oil, etc.
The Palestinians loved Saddam Hussein because he "was always trying to help and even invaded Kuwait so they could have a state". ????
Anybody who can contribute their thoughts about this - appreciated.
Secretary of State Rice said Iran is not in the agenda right now. Let's hope so. So what about the nukes? Is anybody concerned about this?
Heard that the Democratic Party is choosing Howard Dean as their chairman, or whatever the title. Don't think it's going to help them in 2008. How about somebody like Barak Obama? I think he has a better chance.
And what a winter!!!

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