Just what I have in mind
Published on February 2, 2005 By smallgifts In Current Events
Have you heard the latest from Fidel? The US is going to nuke him!! C'mon, the guy is intelligent and has had the benefit of an education. With what is he going to be nuked? With something the size of a pinhead, otherwise goodbye Miami and see you Puerto Rico. By the way, speaking of Castro, isn't he the one that went up Sierra Maestra and led a revolution to oust Batista who was a tyrant and repressed the Cuban people? The ones who disented with him that is. Hmmm.
The Pope has been taken to the hospital, he is 84 years old and not in good health. He shouldn't have been standing at the balcony with the kids and the pigeons in plain winter. The guy doesn't have a mother (or a wife) to take care of him. Shoudn't the Cardinal's College or somebody make sure he doesn't get in harms way? Seniors should be taken care of, even if they are as important as the Pope.
Heard that Secretary of State, Ms. Rice is going to visit Israel and talk to the two sides there. I don't know if she applied for the job or if it was downloaded on her, in any case if she doesn't get results nobody can. Or maybe Rumsfeld. I think I'll have to talk to a friend of mine regarding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and get more details. Then I'll post some more on the subject.
Another item in the news is the NAACP. Apparently these guys refuse to cooperate with the IRS. Excuse me? If you don't have anything to hide you open your books. And Soros is bit tall to hide somewhere. Pay your taxes and be a law abiding citizen or organization or whatever you want to call yourself.
Saw and heard Prof. Ward Churchill and boy, does he have bad taste! Speaking of bad taste, he should do something about his hair, pony-tail it or something. Why does he live in the States? How about a teaching job with Castro? Somebody help this guy, he is suffering!!

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